
We're down to the final week of this semester, and for Professor Bonica's class, it means our semester long task of creating a Health Management textbook is almost done. For this assignment, our class was separated into different groups; where we had a to write a chapter on a topic we've selected such as quality improvement, population health, human resources, etc. For my group in particular, we chose to focus on quality improvement in a hospital. To get the information we needed to construct our chapter, we interviewed a CPO of a local hospital.

Prior to this assignment, my knowledge about quality improvement was minimal. For those of you who don't know, quality improvement is the proactive task of identifying, analyzing and improving upon existing business processes within an organization. The goal of quality improvement is to identify the problems within the organization by using a systematic approach to improve the quality of care in an organization. When interviewing the CPO, we addressed multiple qualities that make up quality improvement, one of them being the challenges they have to overcome. In any organization, the key problem is introducing a change. The reason being is because it is difficult to convince health professionals why they should change their routine- something they may have been doing for a majority of their career. In other words, it means going against the traditional philosophies that they have abided by. Change is what quality improvement has to implement in order to help the organization succeed. Some organizations succeed in implementing a quality improvement initiative and others fail. I should point out that the major reason why quality improvement efforts fail to produce desired results is that organizations mistakenly think of quality improvement as a series of one-off projects, each with its own beginning, middle and end (Brown & Falk, 2017). Health professionals must understand that they all contribute to the success and failures of the organization. In order for them to succeed, they must be commited to maintaining the same quality of care.

I never thought I would contribute to writing a textbook, and I'm happy to say that I have. Over the course of this semester, I have gained a substantial amount of knowledge regarding health management- knowledge that I know will impact me for the rest of my career.

Brown, B., & Falk, L.H. (2017). 6 steps for implementing successful performance improvement
initiatives in healthcare. Health Catalyst. Retrieved from


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