
I mentioned in my earlier post about medical technologies and how we've seem to get more advanced each year. In a Ted Talk titled "How augmented reality could change the future of surgery" by Nadine Hachach-Haram, we now have started the transition from robotic technology to digital technology in surgery.

In her presentation, Nadine Hachbach-Haram (a surgeon) discusses how 5 billion people lack access to safe surgical care nor do they have the access to simple surgical procedures when they need it the most. For example in the country of Sierra Leone, there are 10 qualified surgeons and mind you, the country is home to 6 million people. To me, I can't comprehend that and this is an issue that bothers me because people should not have to choose whether or not they should make the journey to receive the care they need. It should be already accessible for them. As a solution, Nadine introduces digital communications technology as an alternative to spending millions of dollars on a robot to provide remote surgery. She says all you need is either a phone, tablet or computer, an internet connection, a colleague at the site and an augmented reality collaboration software. By using this software, it allows a surgeon to virtually transport himself into any setting by using whatever technological device they have on hand and guide a local doctor throughout the operation. How remarkable does that sound?

If you watch this Ted Talk, I do have to warn you that Nadine does demonstrate live during a orthoscopic surgery and a skin cancer surgery. If you're a little queasy about operations, then I would recommend skipping ahead. Anyways, Nadine was able to communicate with the surgeons and was able to mimic how she would collaborate with him in person. Not only will this benefit surgeons all over the world- especially those situated in poorer areas, this will also serve as a excellent learning tool for students as we learn better through experience.

She mentions that although this has great success rates and could potentially become the norm in surgery, they still have a long way to go because some people don't have access to the internet. However, the potential is still there and I'm looking forward to seeing the growth of this technology.

Hachbach-Haram, N. (2017 December). How augmented reality could change the future of surgery. Ted Talk. Retrieved from


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