Start of Something New

People don't realize how difficult it is to blog, until you actually have to do it. The amount of times I've started to type but ended up erasing it because I didn't like the direction I was going. Who knew I'd get this bad of a writer's (blogger's?) block! So, I figured if this is a blank canvas, I should begin by introducing myself and providing a bit of insight. My name is Megan O'Leary and I'm a junior studying Health Management and Policy at UNH. My journey didn't start at HMP- I came into UNH thinking I wanted to be a Health and Physical Education teacher. Why? I loved the idea of wearing athletic clothes and sneakers to work every day. All joking aside, it didn't seem like the right fit for me, because I found that my interests were leaning more into Physical Therapy- but UNH doesn't offer that major. Thus, I began toying with the idea of Occupational Therapy and taking classes. Although I found the classes to be fascinating, there was something missing since OT and PT are vastly different career fields. Therefore, I stumbled upon HMP due to the inspiration of my aunt, who was a VP/Administrator of a hospital in New York and my uncles- who were one of the founders of Plexus Institute. As I took more and more classes, I came realize just how vast the field of Health Management and Policy really is. When it comes to health care, you never know what's going to happen and you constantly have to be on your feet, solve problems and make tough decisions. It's challenging, but equally rewarding when your work benefits many people in a community. To me, it's exciting yet really intimidating at the same time. Which brings me back to this, where do I start? Is it public health the right path for me or is it health management? I hope to know that answer by the end of this semester- if not, the end of junior year. Well, on that note- lets see where this journey goes!


  1. We try to lay the groundwork for you so that you could go either way. Good start - I'll look forward to seeing your explorations.

  2. Now is the time for you to make these explorations, I look forward to seeing how this progresses and what I can add.


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